we believe

Difference is not disordered.
Difference is strength.

We know what it’s like to not fit into a system.

It’s painful to feel different in ways that society doesn’t always understand or recognize. We are inspired by those who continue to move through the world in ways that don’t fit in, and continue to blaze their own path anyway.

We specialize in supporting neurodivergent adults affirm their sense of self-worth and navigate a world that doesn’t often seem to be designed for their brains. We believe that our differences are our strengths and that it can take time to discover these when our world constantly disaffirms us.

We also hold the recognition that talk therapy often needs to look different for those with ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia because our processing differences need to be taken into account in order to feel safe, and encouraged, and valued in the therapy process.

Our Values

We value being real and authentic both as therapists and as humans.

To us, that translates into co-creating a therapy space that feels relatable, accessible, and sensitive to all the various parts of you that deserve to be seen, acknowledged, and understood.

It also looks like putting down the “expert” jacket and sitting across from you like a human relating to another human.

We are focused on social justice and decolonization. We do not stand for racism, violence or oppression.

Our Beliefs

We believe in standing against against violence, oppression and injustice. We actively resist systemic oppression and work to dismantle colonial violence and injustices.

We believe in the experiences of neurodivergent, autistic, and differently abled individuals. We respect & honour our client’s sensory needs, bodily autonomy, personal agency, and authentic styles of communication.

We believe in affirming and celebrating all queer, trans and LGBTQIA2S+ identities and their intersections.
We believe everyone deserves to live as their authentic self.

We are settlers, who work on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan People.
We believe this deserves not only acknowledgement, but requires our continued advocacy to help dismantle the oppressive harm of colonialism on First Nations and Indigenous peoples.

Meet Our Team

Dania Chebib, RCC


Dania holds a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and is registered with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC).

Jessica Mills, RSW


Jessica hold a masters degree in Clinical Social Work and is registered with the BC College of Social Workers (BCCSW) She has a wealth of experience in the mental health field, and lived experience with neurodiversity.